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Global development finance

Mitwirkende(r): Materialtyp: GesamtaufnahmeGesamtaufnahmeSprache: Englisch Reihen: A World Bank bookBände: Zeige BändeWashington, DC The World Bank 1997-2012Schlagwörter: Andere Ausgaben: Teilausg. ---> The little book on external debtVorgänger: Vorg. ---> World debt tablesFortsetzung: Forts. ---> International debt statistics
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2004 Sachl. Benennung: Harnessing cyclical gains for development. 2005: Mobilizing finance and managing vulnerability. 2006: The development potential of surging capital flows

Signaturstamm: HA-6/0009-

Enth. Analysis and summary tables; Vol. 2: Country tables; 2000 - 2003 in Vol. 1: Analysis and statistical appendix; Vol. 2: Summary and country tables; 2004 in 1: Analysis and summary tables; 2: Summary and country tables; 2005 in 1: Analysis and statistical appendix; 2: Summary and country tables; 2006 - 2009 in 1: Review, analysis and outlook; 2: Summary and country tables

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